
Ryosuke S avatar image
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Ryosuke S asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Unable to select when there are a lot of setup cases in value of case

When there are a lot of value of case set and cases go out of screen, you can not review those from gui unless you open the script window.

Not many of our customer are fond of programming. Maybe we need scroll bar?


FlexSim 22.0.11
robotmotion pathsvalues by case
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·
I'd suggest they should be using a lookup table if the number of cases is large.
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Ryosuke S avatar image Ryosuke S Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·
@Jason Lightfoot Thank you Jason. I think that is one suggestion I can make.
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Clair A avatar image Clair A commented ·

@Ryosuke S I fully agree with you. I reported the exact same issue to [email protected] in... November 2016. And I sent a reminder to @Jordan Johnson in February 2022. I copy below what I had reported, and Jordan's answer.

Hi Jordan,

I know that the issue below has already been reported to [email protected] and is "by design" since many releases, but I still hope that one day it might be improved.

When you add cases to some pickoptions, they are added outside of the screen size and can't be reached.

For example below, I add 4 cases to a Port By Case pick option, but the cases go beyond the bottom right corner of my screen:


I know that in Orem you all have huge screens so you likely don't care about this because you never experiment it.

But not everyone has large screens like you. Especially during trainings, most participants bring their laptop (ie smaller screens than external displays), and they often get stucked in the bottom right corner of their screens.

Do you know if there are any plans to fix the drawback shown in the gif above ?

For some other pickoptions, it works much better. For example below with the Set Label by Percentage pickoption, when I add more cases the window moves up, not down beyond the bottom of my screen:


Jordan's answer (February 4, 2022):

The fact that it works in some popups makes me wonder if it's something we could easily adjust. I can see how this would be annoying for users with smaller screens during training. I'll up the priority on this issue.

@Jordan Johnson what's the current priority of this issue ?

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Jordan Johnson avatar image Jordan Johnson ♦♦ Clair A commented ·
The current priority of the issue you reported is very high.
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Clair A avatar image Clair A Jordan Johnson ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you very much @Jordan Johnson. In the release notes I see that this has been improved in 23.0.5 released last week:

Fixed various popups expanding off the bottom of the screen.

@Ryosuke S there is still no scrollbar, but at least now the popup expands using the entire height of your screen. For example on my laptop with a 17 inch screen, I can add up to 32 cases, and then the popup expands off the top of my screen.

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Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Ryosuke S commented

I agree with @Jason Lightfoot 's suggestion. With more than 5 or so cases, I'd say a table is easier to edit than this particular interface, especially if the result of each case is a number, rather than a code expression.

If the Type value happens to be a number, and happens to be stored in the table on that same row, you can use code like this:


In some cases, however, the Type value isn't a number, or isn't the row number of the table. In that case, you can still use a Global Table. However, you have the option to store the data as a bundle. If the data is a bundle, you can also right-click on the "Type" column and choose "Index this column (unordered)"


Then, you can use code like this to get the setup time for the item:

Table("GlobalTable1").getValueByKey(item.Type, "Setup")


The Table will use the index on the Type column, instead searching for the correct row. A search like that can be slow, especially if there are many rows, or the search happens many times.

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Ryosuke S avatar image Ryosuke S commented ·

@Jason Lightfoot @Jordan Johnson Thank you for your suggestion. It is fine to make this suggestion as long as user is fond of programming, but to those people who are not, it is not easy to make this suggestions. Compeditor software are designed this way and our customer basically choose FlexSim because of well designed UI such as this value of case.

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Jordan Johnson avatar image Jordan Johnson ♦♦ Ryosuke S commented ·
Thank you for the clarification. I have added an issue to the dev list to look at possible improvements for this user interface.
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Jordan Johnson avatar image Jordan Johnson ♦♦ Jordan Johnson ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Ryosuke S , I just had one follow-up comment. That is that if you use a table, FlexSim provides a "by global table lookup" popup. So you can make a global table and then use something like this:


In this way, the customer can use a table to look up values and use an interface instead of writing FlexScript.

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